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Grammar and Linguistics > unbelievable thirteen kilograms unbelievable thirteen kilograms
| unbelievable thirteen kilograms
Hi, I got stumped trying to explain why there is an article in this sentence.
-She lost an unbelievable thirteen kilograms.
Everyone was insisting there can �t be an article with a plural. I know it �s correct but I don �t know why:S
a kilogram thirteen kilograms thirteen unbelievable kilograms an unbelievable kilogram AN unbelievable thirteen kilogramS
Thanks guys:)
24 Mar 2010
Mariethe House
I guess it is correct and it sounds like the " shortcut" to :
I lost ( I wish I had!)an unbelievable (WEIGHT/ Amount ) of 13 kgs!
24 Mar 2010
Thanks Mariethe, I hadn �t really considered ellipsis, I think that sounds like a reasonable explanation:)
24 Mar 2010
Yes, I reckon Mariethe�s got it: the 13 kilograms is a weight.
24 Mar 2010
I think the answer is in the fact that you have an article + adj followed by a noun, so an "unbelievable" -13 -Kilos, -I �m curious about the answer myself. :) |
24 Mar 2010
Look at grammar guru Swan �s PEU 532.6
It �s a plural expression of quantity used with an adjective. Other examples include:
She spent a happy ten minutes looking through the photos
He �s been waiting a good two hours |
24 Mar 2010
Jayho didn �t say it this way, but that �s right. The a/an refers to the thirteen, because it �s the thirteen that is unbelievable.
25 Mar 2010