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Concerning worksheets > Can someone tell me if "Let īs Go Picture Dictionary"an ESL book?
Can someone tell me if "Let īs Go Picture Dictionary"an ESL book?
Can someone tell me if "Let īs Go Picture Dictionary"an ESL book?
Please, don īt use pictures taken from other ESL websites or books, even if you add your own exercises. ----This is one of the new rules.
If the answer to my question is yes, how come a worksheet, which I reported the other day, can stay.
Thank you . ;))
28 Mar 2010
Hi! I believe Picture Dictionaries are an ESL resource. But I would like soemone to correct me if I am wrong.
mena |
28 Mar 2010
I also agree. I think most dictionaries are ESL?EFL resources. Like Mena I īd like to hear other opinions.
Maria |
28 Mar 2010
manonski (f)
Cutemisswang, I īm not sure I get your question.
28 Mar 2010
I reported a ws which used pictures scanned from the book "Let īs Go Picture Dictionary." But I found that the author put "Picture taken from :"Lets Go" Picture Dictionary." in the description and the ws wasn īt removed. That means she can scanned pictures from "Let īs Go Picture Dictionary " with her own exercises, right? |
28 Mar 2010
Cutemissswang, if Pictionaries are ESL resources, the answer is no, we can īt use their pictures.
Have a good evening,
mena |
28 Mar 2010
manonski (f)
Thanks for the clarification. You are right. That printable you refer to should be deleted. |
28 Mar 2010
Thanks for your answers. ;)) But what can we do if the moderators decided not to remove the ws. Can we report it again? |
29 Mar 2010
manonski (f)
Maybe you could report it again and explain. I can īt help you more since I īm not a moderator anymore. |
29 Mar 2010
Thank you, manonski,Mena and Maria. Maybe some other moderators could give us a better explanation. |
29 Mar 2010
I saw the printable reported but I don īt have īLet īs Go Picture Dictionary � so I didn īt confirm it or vote on the printable. Perhaps the same was true of other moderators or perhaps picture dictionaries are a grey area which needs to be clarified. I īm afraid I only vote if I am sure it is against the rules and as I wasn īt, I didn īt.
Of course, seeing this thread, it actually seems clearer that taking images from a book is a clear violation of copyright and therefore against the rules. I īm sorry, cutemisswang, I didn īt think hard enough about it at the time. Thank you for bringing this to everyone īs attention.
29 Mar 2010
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