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Message board > Sorry if I offended.
Sorry if I offended.
Sorry if I offended.
My point was to point out a great resource. NOT to start a pic verses content debate. I felt sad at the time that while everyone else�s worksheets were getting downloaded this excellent one was not. And I thought it might be because it might not have caught the eye like some of the others. I feel that my comments have been taken to where I did not intend. Of course design is important and there are a great number of members who have both awesome design and content.
I guess I wont be pointing out a good resource again. I now feel a bit shite because I do appreciate everyone�s contribution. And it now sounds like I don�t. It was not my intention.
20 Nov 2008
Poor Cheezels!
I honestly don�t think that any of the people who have responded have been �OFFENDED� by your comments. Most of them seem to appreciate that you have poitned out such a high quality resource.
I read your comment earlier today and agreed with it completely.
There are a lot of resources overlooked because they are not as �pretty�. I have also highlighted them in the past as I wanted people to be aware of the high quality written content.
Some people are great at pictures, others at writing, and some fantastic few have the ability to combine the two. It is nice to see the written be commended because it does take a lot of time and effort!
Thank you for such a wonderful recommendation - and I look forward to future recommendations from you!
20 Nov 2008
Cheezels, thank you for dragging my attention to that worksheet - it is really good. I have also noticed that ws with pics are more popular, perhaps there are more teachers who teach young learners here. Do not get offended - it is just a discussion. |
20 Nov 2008
Cheezels, it doesn�t sound like that at all!! There is no reason why anyone here should be offended! Please feel free to point out any worksheets you think are worth it and we haven�t seen, in fact I do thank you for that.
Smile please! |
20 Nov 2008
Don�t worry cheezels. It was clear from the first moment.
20 Nov 2008
Cheezels (love the nick btw :-) )
Don�t stop recommending worksheets. I have done it a few times and nobody said anything about the sheets! And here, at least people are responding to your comment.... and as Logos once pointed out - if there is a bit hoopla around the worksheet, people naturally want to see what all the buzz is about!
Keep up the good work and PS - thank you for the nice comments you�ve dropped on my worksheets. I�m glad they are useful to you.
20 Nov 2008