Dear all,
Good morning, I would like to ask for your help again.
There is a worksheet in today īs contributions I personally feel 100% certain is a copy as I have it in my computer already.
Unfortunately it īs from when before I started saving files with people īs usernames in the title, so I don īt know whose worksheet it is.
I have just looked through 64 pages of worksheets in the section for the relevant grammar topic, but haven īt found the original yet and there are still over 150 pages to go.
I īm sorry but I really don īt have time to look through the rest.
Is there any way I can draw this worksheet to the moderators � attention (as maybe one of you/them would know whose the original is) without reporting it as I can īt (and wouldn īt feel right anyway) reporting it without a link.
Somebody please advise me as to how to proceed.
Thanks in advance for your help yet again and have a lovely day.