Yeah I have already downloaded the printable Vickii and see the word " lollipop"
This remind me of my school years.My memoir is also related with the topic presents.
Once a time we-students- sold lollipops in the canteen with the permisson of the principal.
And the ones who bought our lollipops left written Xmas messages to us for to send others later.
We wrote the messages on Xmas cards and before Xmas we distrubute the cards like a postman.
Of course this distrubituon was only among the school.
But we had a lot of fun,gained money and used English practically.
It was a nice feeling to receive surprise cards from friends with whom we were always together.
This may not work with adult Students but with children it is worth trying I think.
Xmas cards are the best present according to me..
Hope you find the best present for your students Karen.