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Pen pals!!
Pen pals!!
Hi!! sorry it �s me again!! I keep looking for pen pals for my students to write to. If somebody is interested please write me!!!! I think it �s going to be a nice experience. And remember that my students are from adolecsent/young adults to adults. Thanks a bunch!!!! |
18 Apr 2010
Hi Matiasmat! My students are nearly the same age as yours. They used to want to have pen pals a few years ago. I don �t know why but our students are not very eager to write to teenagers from different countries anymore. The main reason I guess is the INTERNET. They say writing is a burden for them. They prefer chat rooms or e-mail. I try ro persuade them to find pen pals , unfortunately I usually fail:) As I can see there are not too many replies to your question. So this is a common problem of us all.
Anyway I wish you luck. :) |
19 Apr 2010
I have the same group of students very willing to cooperate:)let me know if interested:)
29 Apr 2010