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Make suggestions, report errors > How can you make use of this site? ( my experience )
How can you make use of this site? ( my experience )
How can you make use of this site? ( my experience )
I �ve been downloading selected stuff from ESL on one main folder; ESL Printables, and sub folders; Reading, Speaking, For the Teacher, Listening, writing, Grammer ... etc
I always recommend my coleagues to use its contents
What do you think?
Have you tried similar ways to use the site? |
26 Apr 2010
It �s really a good idea. I download all the stuff from the site on the folder "ESL stuff". Now I will try to make subfolders.Thank you! |
26 Apr 2010
He He! My folders have sub-folders which have sub-sub- folders. I find it works very well.
I have a folder labelled ESL printables and then 30 sub-folder, such as conversation, games, Upper-intermediate, songs, pronunciation, grammar, useful websites, etc.
These folders are then subdivided again in some cases.
The one labelled Grammar is divided into 16 categories. One of these latter categories is Verbs which is then divided into modals, perfect, past irregular, etc
Sounds complicated but it is not. It certainly narrows down things when I �m searching for something.
The other thing I like to do is put the name of the author on the worksheet so that I can easily find more by that author later if I find their work goes well for my class. (Often I don �t use the worksheet for months or years, so the origin is often forgotten)
I have been called anally retentive! I guess I �m really a nerd!
Cheers Joy |
26 Apr 2010
Hi there,� I also have a system similar to what Joy2bill described.I �m improving it constantly - the more worksheets I download the more categories and subcategories I add or change, so it �s changing into a really elaborate system of downloaded material I can orientate myself in quite quickly. The primary division is into Grammar, Vocabulary, Realia, Flashcards, Games etc. in most of these there are other subfolders. � I like the way you were called Joy2bill, I guess I �m similar species:-) on the other hand I am 100% sure that I am the only one to use this system of folders and subfolderrs and subsubfolders...� as it �s is only in my laptop and on my �memory cards. I read a similar question some time ago... You should try and work out your own way of organizing the material which will suit you perfectly and take this advice only as an example. Have a nice day, Mish |
26 Apr 2010
On my computer there is an English folder, subdivided for the classes I teach or taught (3rd to 6th grade) Each grade has subfolders according to subject (body-can-colors-furniture-environment- present simple - continuous etc.) whenever I download something I save it directly into the appropriate subfolder. When I start, say, furniture in 4th grade I open up that folder and got thru the materials and choose what I want to use and maybe combine it with materials from the �prepositions of place � folder. If I have a strong group i might also look in the material originally filed for a higher grade. Pages I like especially, I usually mark somehow so i can find them easily next year. (I add exclamation marks for instance..) |
26 Apr 2010
I do like all of the above - AND I have a folder called GRAMMAR and it has sub-folders such as: verbs nouns prepositions etc.
I also have a great fold called vocabulary with sub-folders with wss called: the house school the time body parts etc - and I aways write the author �s name too!
26 Apr 2010
Lina Ladybird
I �ve created one biiiiiiiiig ESLPrintables folder that has lots of sub-folders called
� animals
� parts of the body
� cities (e. g. wss about London), countries and nationalities
� numbers
� colours
� clothes
� seasons, months, days of the week, holidays
� VIPs (for wss about celebrities and so on)
� reading comprehensions
� can / can �t
� converation / speaking
� business purposes (I �m a Business English teacher, too.)
� Easter
� Christmas
� Halloween
� Valentine �s Day
� feelings / emotions
� food and drink (including vegetables and fruit)
� prepositions
� family
� places in town
� cartoon and fairy tale characters
� jobs / occupations
� house, rooms, furniture
� idioms
� describing (pictures and people), giving directions
� conditionals / if-clauses
� idioms
� classroom / school
� time
� sports
� weather
� pronouns
� modals (should, must, etc.)
� present progressive
� simple present
� simple past
� past progressive
� and so on (future tenses, etc.)
Whenever a ws fits in more than one category, e. g. I have downloaded a worksheet with Spongebob pictures which deals with classroom objects and numbers, I save it in all possible sub-folders, in this case "classroom/school", "cartoon characters" and "numbers".
I�m in a hurry quite often so that I really need to be well organised in order to find everything I need for a lesson as quickly as possible!! ;)
26 Apr 2010
I have a TESOL folder where I save everything related to TESOL including printables from here.
There are several folders including Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, Assessment, Grammar, Pronunciation, Icebreakers, Games, Excursions, Classroom Management, Posters, Spelling, Study Skills, Vocabulary and more.
Each of these folders then has several folders. For instance, Writing has a folder for each essay type, Letters, Business Proposals, Reports, Referencing, Letters, Graphs & Data and more.
I simply save the printables form here in the relevant folder. I put the members name in the document name. I also save a lot of things from the internet which is sometimes put in these folders and sometimes on my Delicious Account.
My system works very well for me - I can always find what I am looking for.
Jayho |
26 Apr 2010