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Message board > Why don īt people leave comments?
Why don īt people leave comments?
Getting even is a terrible attitude. You want people to be kind to you yet you give an eye for an eye? It is better to forgive than seek revenge. People are becoming more and more selfish. It īs that simple.They lack manners and decency as well as gratitude. I see it firsthand every day.
30 Apr 2010
Sharing is also contributing to other people īs enthusiasm, it īs appreciation for other people īs effort. We fortunately experience all this every day at school with our pupils...I don īt think it should be so difficult to say "THANK YOU" to someone else on this beautiful website, too!
By the way...
1 May 2010
After Victor provided the birthdays on the top of the forum I realized that I īve never heard of most of the members listed there.
I guess they had provided their BD (some are premium members) because they use the site, so I assume they are downloading, but have never seen most of the names below mine or anyone else īs ws thanking for it.
2 May 2010
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