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Teaching Grammar
Teaching Grammar
Hi everyone,
I first want to thank everyone for their fantastic worksheets! They are great and are hugely helpful.
I now have two questions I would like to ask. First, in what order do you all normally teach grammar? Do you begin with the simple things like articles and then work through the various areas of grammar?
My second question is more a rhetorical question in that I doubt there�s really an answer to it. I just wonder why it is that so many people download worksheets but few actually leave a comment? I admit that there have been times when I�ve forgotten to leave a comment but that happens rarely now.
I hope you all have a lovely evening!
2 May 2010
I think we generally start with some functional language - �can � normally comes before articles, as does �do you like/I like � and �have you got/I �ve got � The verb �to be � in its present simple form is one of the first things we teach.
Then we �d move on to the present simple, pronouns, adverbs of frequency, present continuous. I don �t normally get to articles until after the past simple!
It obviously depends a lot on the age of your students.
As to the leaving comments thing - some do, some don �t. It �s been brought up on this forum numerous times and it doesn �t seem to make a difference. If you �re the kind of person who thinks it �s important, you �ll leave a comment. If not, no amount of talking about it will make a difference!
2 May 2010