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Ask for help > Impossible to upload a powerpoint presentation
Impossible to upload a powerpoint presentation
[email protected]
Impossible to upload a powerpoint presentation
I �ve been trying for two days but even if I reduce the size of my presentation to 1,7 MB, there �s no way it accepts it. Has it anything to do with the fact that I �m using a Macand converting the file from Keynote? Thank you |
5 May 2010
it took you two days trying, but you know what? it would have taken you 5 minutes to read the instructions.
The uploading system:
Printables must be under 300KB. They must be .doc files.
If you are using Word 2007, take into account that your documents will be saved as .docx by default. This format is not accepted here, since not everybody can use it. Therefore you have to choose "save as word 97-2003 document", in the "save as" options.
Powerpoints must be under 500KB. They must be .ppt documents.
If the uploading system does not work, first check that your document meets the previous conditions. Even when it does, the uploading system may fail sometimes. In that case it is recommended to wait and try again 1 hour later.
After uploading your document, you will have to enter the title, description, category, keywords, etc. Please, be descriptive and accurate, it will help your worksheet to be found by the members who need it, enabling you to get more points. |
5 May 2010