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Snow- white
Althought it�s a weekend I�ve uploaded some new wss and I see that someone downloaded one of them so I address this message to the one who downloaded my student of the day ws:It�s not always hard to say thanks never the less it�s always a sign of being polite and with good manners. |
22 Nov 2008
Sorry snow-white. I wanted to continue your topic, but I opened another post. I really think that everybody deserves comments and encouragement. |
23 Nov 2008
I know I am going to get my head chopped off here, as I usually try to take the middle road on various issues, but are we not becoming a bit obsessive over this comments issue. I really appreciate comments too and welcome that nice little window when I first log in, but if it doesn�t appear it is not the end of the world.
I think one problem is that I don�t like to leave comments until I actually see the worksheet concerned. It may look good in preview but when downloaded may have many mistakes or is not what I first thought it to be. So should I just automatically write �Great worksheet� before I download it. But now I have to go back to the contribution to write the comment.
I take it as read, if people appreciate my work, then they download it, some write comments, the majority of which are extremely encouraging - occasionally someone will point out a defect. But I definitely don�t get comments for all the downloads.
Please let us be a bit more mature about this - learn to live with a little unrecognition. After all, you are a teacher and I am sure your students and parents of your kids don�t keep thanking you every day.
This is not to say don�t bother leaving comments - I welcome them as much as the next person - but if they don�t, then get over it. They downloaded your work and gave you points, be happy with that |
23 Nov 2008
Dear Logos,
I accept that you have your point of view but I have been taught to say "thank you" when I get something from somebody. That�s why I also teach my pupils that lesson and I�d like to be a good example for them. Is it a question of being "mature" or "inmatured"? For me , and I�d dare to say , for many members of this site, leaving at least a "thank you comment" is a question of having "good maners". Besides, what�s the point of a worsheet having mistakes? Can�t you proof read and correct it before class?. Sorry but I can�t see your point!! You have several alternatives, for example, you can leave a thank you comment and then take your time to check the ws before leaving some encouragement comment or just download and check it and then leave the appropriate comment!!
Maybe we should "learn to live with a little unrecognition" but we have to learn to recognize those who do their best and share what they have done with effort
23 Nov 2008
I�m almost with Lagos on this one. �Someone recently suggested a list of comments that we should pick and choose from...
When you recieve a comment that has a specific relevance to your worksheet, that�s really nice, but recieving a generic comment really has little meaning. �
23 Nov 2008
Even a thank you comment, kevinwolfenden?? I have seen that your wss are plenty of nice or "meaningless comments" , as you define them and you may not notice the difference. But there are some people who don�t get a comment at all!!!! And they are waiting for them.!
Another issue:I suggested the list but I didn�t say "should". I said "can" which is a different modal verb with a different meaning.
23 Nov 2008
I�m with you, Logos. I don�t mind if someone don�t leave a message to thank me. Actually they do give me something when they get the worksheet. A point! More than enough. If they feel like leaving a thank you message I feel very greatful but if they don�t it�s ok with me. I think that this is going out of control: being scolded for not leaving a thank you message...cheese! |
23 Nov 2008