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Unique site

Unique site
I am moved to praise this site. as always the administrators have thought through their policy and are sticking to it and I think this is the strenght of this site. although I would dearly like to download the excellent worksheets that people have produced, I can�t because I haven�t got enough points and am not likely to accumulate enough, but I am not complaining. I think the rules provide the impetus to particulalrly young teachers to produce attractive worksheets for their students which caters for the learning styles and thus enhance their learning. The production of original work makes this site unique in my opinion so I am totally in favour of the basic rules. Keep up the great work people. |
23 Nov 2008

to this site.
Thank you for your comments. Keep on working hard!! |
23 Nov 2008

We are all here to help you and thanks for joining us.Some very kind people here are helping me to improve my work.Try to have a look at others work even if you can�t download them now,this will help you to improve. Good luck! |
23 Nov 2008

Hi aftab...and welcome!
I understand your feeling. It usually happens when entering the site you feel you will not be able to...but be sure you will find all the help you need to create your own worksheets.
Do not hesitate. Ask whatever you need to know and there will always be somebody ready to help....
A big welcome hug!
23 Nov 2008

Aftab57, �With that kind of attitude there�s only one place you�re going....
Premium user in a very very short time. �Welcome to the site. �And seriously just a little more patience you�ll get there very quickly. |
23 Nov 2008

Thank you to everyone for the encouragement and advice. I am not too worried about the points I�ll reach them when I reach them.I will try to upload some more of my �dull� worksheets soon.
23 Nov 2008