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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Soccer Game: Penalty Kick Master [ Articles ]
Soccer Game: Penalty Kick Master [ Articles ]
Soccer Game: Penalty Kick Master [ Articles ]
Hi everyone,
I �d like to share with you my newest PPT grammar game..
Please visit the following page:
Hope you like it. |
11 May 2010
I �d like to third that.
I know that people don �t like other people advertising their work on this homepage, but this has to be an exception.
Without this insight I would have missed out on some of the best PowerPoints that this site has to offer.
Dedicated Teacher is an apt name and I would advise anyone reading this who is interested in using PowerPoint games to have a look at what this person has created.
The billiards game alone is extremely professional and shows that this person has spent hours on trying to help others. With that said, I was shocked to notice that it had only been downloaded 70 times.
Consider me downloader number 71, and thanks once again for showing me things that would otherwise have remained pages away.
11 May 2010
Super as always Fatma, thank you.
@Tommy11, I think in this case it is not counted as advertising one �s own work as Dedicated Teacher is very kindly offering us a link to a powerpoint that is on her own personal website, not a link to a printable on ESL printables. I presume that although the file size was too big for her to upload her ppt here, out of the generosity of her heart she wanted to share it with us anyway, and that is why the message was written. In these cases I �m pretty sure it �s okay to post a message about your work here. Thank you for recognizing it as an exception.
I completely agree with you. tommy11, that Dedicated Teacher is an apt name for this wonderful contributor.
11 May 2010
The game is perfect... What about the solution for number 3 and 4. It is not working in my case. Have you tried the game?
Danka |
11 May 2010
I see what you mean juliag.
I am also faced with the same predicament with some of my own PowerPoints. However, I do not have my own website so am unable to do more than upload my offerings in various stages.
The main reason for my initial post was that I think it is a shame that work of this quality is allowed to slip under the radar. 70 posts, in my opinion, is a joke for a PowerPoint this good, and I hope that others will realize this now that Dedicated Teacher �s work is on the radar, for however brief it may be.
I wonder how many other gems are on this site that I am missing out on?
Once again, thanks to Dedicated Teacher for allowing me the opportunity to find their work.
11 May 2010
Hi Danka
three = an
four = blank
11 May 2010
I know the correct answers but it doesn�t allow me to choose them and I can�t continue with the game. It doesn�t matter. The game is perfect, maybe it depends on what software you use.. |
11 May 2010
Many thanks to all of you. Your posts mean a lot to me.
Julieta VL,
Many thanks
Thanks for your kind comments, and it would be motivating enough to have - even - one download. ^^
Appreciate your post
Yes, I tested the game before uploading it and after your question. It works fine with me! From your last comment should I understand that you �re using a different platform?
Can you tell me which programme do use?
DT |
11 May 2010
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