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Grammar and Linguistics > What īs more correct?
What īs more correct?

What īs more correct?
Hello everybody,
We īe having a tea party at school and I need some help with the invitations, what īs the correct way to say: "Join us and flavour our: scones, muffins,...." or "Join us and taste our: scones, muffins, ....".
Thanks to all the teacher that face the hard task of colouring the minds of the future. This is a wonderful community.
SV |
15 May 2010

Hello Sandvitoria,
"Join us and taste our: scones, muffins, ....". Will fit best
Good luck for your Tea Party ;)
Babs |
15 May 2010

I agree with SBabs1966!.. |
15 May 2010

[email protected]
I think you mean:
īJoin us and savour our... �
īSavour � means to take pleasure in, or to enjoy something. On an invitation it would look and sound better than ītaste �. |
15 May 2010

Thank you all for your help.
Yes Alexander, that was exactly what I was looking for.
Once again, thanks |
15 May 2010