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Points During Problem
Points During Problem
I uploaded a worksheet during the problems we were having with the website. I felt like I could have received more points had the users been able to access the website. I also could not download many worksheets from users for nearly 3 days during this time frame.
Do you think I should delete the worksheet and upload it again? I am unsure if thats the right move. Let me know what you think.
17 May 2010
Hi! That �s something you have to decide for yourself. I myself have deleted once or twice a worksheet, improved it and uploaded it again. There �s nothing wrong with that. The worst that can happen is that you don �t get as many points as in the first time, but that �s most unlikely. Anyway, I would make some improvements just in case...
Have a nice day,
mena |
17 May 2010
Hi Kohaku,
Honestly, the points you got for your recent contributions seem about "right" to me.
I was able to download during "those days" even though I got warnings when accessing the forum.
If you re-upload, you might get less points because most people interested would already have the ws.
Good luck with your decision!
17 May 2010