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Grammar and Linguistics > food or foods?
food or foods?

food or foods?
Hi, everyone!
I �ve just come across with a sentence in the English class book I work with which has made me feel a little bit confused. It says
"My favourite foods are eggs and salad"
I �ve always said and read "My favourite food is eggs and salad" (well to be honest, I prefer spaghetti but that �s another matter!  )
Isn �t the word "food" uncountable? except for things such as: frozen foods or, maybe when you talk about foods from different countries, shouldn �t it always be singular? or does it depend on what you write afterwards?:
My favourite food is salad and eggs or My favourite foods are eggs and salad...
It sounds so strange to me...
Can anybody help me?
Thanks a million!! |
20 May 2010

Hello Pachy, I �d say "my favourite food is ..." too! or if plural, my favourite meals are ... but I wouldn �t really know why it is so or if maybe "foods" is ok ! Can anybody explain ?!
Thank you for both of us !! |
20 May 2010

When it refers to many you can use foods. The top 3 exported foods of the country are peanuts, apples and pears. You can use food when it refers to a lot of or much. We eat a lot of food. |
20 May 2010

Giovanni is right. It can be both - singular or plural.
20 May 2010

Thank you, Giovanni and Zora. I �ve just seen your answers and I understand the use of "foods" in the example you mention, but do you say "My favourite foods are..."? That �s what I had never seen before till yesterday. I �ve always said "My favourite food is salad and eggs", no matter whether I mention one type of food or more.
Let �s see if you read this message and you kindly come answer me. I would be really grateful! and I �m sure Aliciapc would be grateful too!
Thanks anyway for taking your time to solve my doubts! |
20 May 2010