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Ask for help > Support Needed in Competition, Thanks a lot!
Support Needed in Competition, Thanks a lot!
I don �t...that is why people ask me for advice. ;o)
23 May 2010
Maybe you �ll be surprised, but I also work as an counsellor for children with behavioural problems. But this is going nowhere as I got the feeling you want to have the last say. So enjoy your Sunday, I am off!
23 May 2010
Sorry if I bothered any of you. I posted the message because the contest is still going on.
I didn�t mean any harm.
I find the experience very positive for my students. They are feeling very proud of their school and it�s a rare thing nowadays. Plus the whole class has participated the one who are on the video and those who aren�t they are supporting them with posters and other things.
Despite some opinions I believe that any excuse is good to teach my students English, breaks, pic-nics, playing sports, cover for other teachers, drama, talking to them in the corridor, and this contest.
Thanks again to all of you! and great to hear all your opinions.
23 May 2010
Dear Missmallo, I am sure you didn �t mean any harm , and I am sure it was OK to post your message several times! Have a nice evening !
23 May 2010
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