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Ask for help > I īm travelling to London at the end of July
I īm travelling to London at the end of July
I īm travelling to London at the end of July
Dear colleagues,
I īm going to take part in a 120 hours course, the first part of the course is going to be held in Spain but the 2nd part of the course will be a immersion period of two weeks in London. I will be there from 25th July till 8th August.
The course is organised by our local education authorities and we don īt have to pay anything.
I īd like some advice about the place and the course. I īm sure my English colleagues know something about the EF organization. The school is in Roupell St. and the residence is called Manna Ash in Pocock St. Have you ever been there? Any interesting advice about the trip? I īm a bit nervous because I haven īt been abroad for a long time and I want to prepare it very well to have time to do as many things as possible. I know it is very little time. I spent two moths in London more then 20 years ago. I need to practice as much English as I can in order to improve speaking. On one hand, I īm excited and very happy about going there but on the other hand, I īm a kind of scared as I haven īt travelled alone for a long time. What do you think? I appreciate your wise advice in advance.
10 Jun 2010
Hi, It seems you have been awarded PALE or something like that, haven īt you? How lucky you are! Well, I have been to The UK three times as a teacher and the three of them I went on my own. (Comenius Grants, two weeks each time, first time to Edingburgh, second to Bangor in Northern Ireland and third thime last summer to Exeter, England). The three of them were great, don īt worry about being alone, most teachers will be alone too. And London is great, I love it. On my second experience I made friends with a lot of people with whom I still exchange emails, and meeting is Madrid. In fact, last time in Exeter was with three of those people. I īm sure the course will be all right but what you will like most and take advantage of most will be the relationship with other teachers, from different parts of Europe, you will even be able to start a schools exchange. Have a great time!
10 Jun 2010