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Games, activities and teaching ideas > What īs the English for...
What īs the English for...
What īs the English for...
Dear colleagues !
The school year is coming to an end... And my teenaged pupils asked me : "could we play "action ou vérit� in English, please ??" But... I wonder... Can I say : "act or react" ? Or is there another expression ???
Thank you for your kind help ! |
12 Jun 2010
Hi there! I would say īTruth or Dare �. Enjoy the end of the year! |
12 Jun 2010
I agree with amyi, the name of this game is "truth or dare"! have fun
12 Jun 2010
Just coming in to say the same thing
The name of the game is "Truth or dare!" indeed |
12 Jun 2010
Hi! Just curious do you play it?
Thank you! |
12 Jun 2010
definitely ītruth or dare �!
Have a nice week-end!
12 Jun 2010
@Krystll: It īs "truth or dare" @Mariannina: The game is played this way: One player challenges another saying "truth or dare". If the player says "truth", he/ she has to answer a question (usually a rather personal one) truthfully. If he/ she says "dare", he/ she has to do sth the other player orders him/ her to do (usually sth embarassing). If the player fails to answer truthfully or to do the thing he/ she is ordered to do, he/ she has to do sth ridiculous, like, for instance, start barking, otherwise he/ she is excluded from the game. If he/ she answers truthfully or does the "daring" act, he/ she challenges another player and so on. It īs a really amusing game...And most of us who have played it have had some pretty embarassing moments
12 Jun 2010
Now... I have to prepare cards with questions... LoL !!
Dear French colleagues, where are you teachers ? In a primary school ? A Grammar School ? A Secondary School ? I īm for the first time in a grammar school with young pupils. Before, I taught in a secondary school and to BTS and licence students.
It īs very different and I īm not used to such games played at the end of the school year !! LoL
PS : Magneto... you īre so... right !! |
12 Jun 2010
i īm teaching near grenoble, last year i was in a senior high school (2nde, 1čre), this year i īm in a junior high (secondary school) and i īm loving it!!! it īs so much fun to play games and my school is really nice. but since i īm a "new" teacher i īll change schools next year... we īll see where i end up... take care!
12 Jun 2010
truth or dare - definitely! Btw, I love playing it with them!!! We used a cool juice bottle to spin in the middle and the person the cork pointed to after spinning had to choose a card - truth or dare, and then do the task on the card, and then spin again... Afterwards we had a vote on who tried to answer best and didn īt flinge or try to get away from doing the task, and the winner got the bottle of juice to drink. It was a hot summer day and he was the hero of the day! Since they had no idea it would be the prize, but kept watching it spin and got thirsty, I think there never was a more appreciated juice bottle in the history of mankind. |
12 Jun 2010