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Help needed with one question
Help needed with one question
Hello everyone I have speaking classes with adults and one of the questions in their coursebook is:
Were you up until very late last night?
And I told them that it means that they weren �t sleeping at about 1 or 2 AM, but they didn �t understand. Do I understand it correctly? Can you give me your ideas how can I explain the question?
Cheers :)
15 Jun 2010
You �re right. That �s a good translation �to be up � means also �to be out of bed � = �to be on feet �.� e.g. I was up late last night = siedziałem wczoraj do p�źna�
15 Jun 2010
Yes, it �s asking if you very late going to bed. In fact I would say you would ask it if you �re expecting the answer to be yes, perhaps because the person looks very tired, or because you know they had a lot of work to finish before morning.
Right, talking of bed, I �m going to turn in now! Yawn....
La Colibrita
15 Jun 2010