What a surprise to see so many replies and so much debate! Sorry if we were not clear in our ad but it is so difficult to explain what we do and what we want in such a few words...
We �ll try explain a bit better what we mean:
- Flexible timetables: this is not students being free to cancel or change their class as they please, but we offer the teachers different schedules that suit better their availability: early morning, midday and early afternoon, evening, etc.
- Favourble working conditions: As we are teachers as well as the coordinators, we truly believe that it is very important to work in a friendly and respectul atmosphere where teachers and coordinators work together to get the best for each of the students. We respect our profession, our students and our teachers alike.
- Excellent pay: for 2010 in-company lessons are being paid $40 the hour. We believe this is not what is usually paid for in-company classes here in BA. If the teachers are available we always try to offer several classes running at a same place.
What we only ask for (but sometimes they have been difficult things to get) is:
- A careful and thorough planning of each class
- Strong commitment
- Creativity and Innovation
Thanks to all who have read our ads!!!!