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Games, activities and teaching ideas > The Simpsons Scrabble - Mattel
The Simpsons Scrabble - Mattel
The Simpsons Scrabble - Mattel
Hi !
I recently bought a new society game which is FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!! And I thought you might be interested as well !
It �s a scrabble with the Simpsons and I chose the Mattel version because some people left a negative comment for the Hasbro version.
In the Mattel version, you can play the classic version of the scrabble with a nice looking playing board, and you can also use the character cards to have more fun: - Each player receives a character card at the beginning of the game, and can play one card at any time during a round. Whenever a player plays a card, they redraw a new card at the end of their turn in that round. - There are two types of cards: the bonus cards and the red cards to attack the opponents. - With the bonus cards, you can get more points if you play a special word (belonging to a particular lexical field such as "weapons" or "animals" but there are many others as well) or a special letter (for example, the letter "A" or a letter which is in the word written on the card such as "B.A.R.T" or "D.O.N.U.T"), you can change your tiles, you can play twice, you can play a word from a foreign language, you can double your score, .......and there many other fantastic bonus !! - With the red attack cards, you can steal points to your opponents, make them lose points, steal their tiles, make them lose a turn, etc.
If you like society games and the Simpsons, you will certainly LOVE this one!
The advantage is that if you want your students to revise one particular point which is not on the cards (or just one vocabulary, cultural or grammatical point), you can build up your own cards and use the playing board with the tiles!!!!
I hope this comment was useful! Big hug!
3 Jul 2010
Capitalist post.
** (** = - just in case...)
Sylv |
3 Jul 2010