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Games, activities and teaching ideas > Activity solution
Activity solution
Activity solution
Hello, I am a Primary English teacher.
I want make or find a resourse book where I can find all the topics and grammar (food, sports, body, present simple....) with example worksheets for all levels 5 to 12 years old. To make me easier the use and adapt these worksheets for my ss.
Can somebody give me any idea.
another question.
somebody is or somebody are? which one is correct?
thank you very much.
cristina. |
5 Jul 2010
Somebody is 8-)
I don �t kow of such a book, I �m sorry. 8-) |
5 Jul 2010
Have you tried the Primary Box books? There �s Primary Activity Box, Primary Grammar Box, Primary Vocabulary Box and Primary Reading Box. They �re multi-level and i �ve used them from age 5 up to age 13 approximately. They �re published by Cambridge University Press - if you google them you can find the authors etc.
Hope that helps.
5 Jul 2010