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2nd BATX
2nd BATX
Hi dear teachers. How are you coping with the heat. It �s unbelievable but here in my village (near Barcelona) you can �t even breath. Anyway, I just wanted to ask something. Next year I �m teaching 2nd Bachillerat. It �s the first time I do it, and I �m a little bit worried about how to prepare them for "setectividad". Can any of you tell me if there is any website with examples of the exams and then how did you manage to go over the syllabus in such a short time? Thanks a lot to all of you. |
8 Jul 2010
Isabel L
if it �s hot where you are, just imagine what it is like in the middle of La Mancha!!!
Most universities have the last years � exams on their sites. Check the university your school belongs to and you �ll find them.
As for the syllabus, the students are supposed to have already quite a good knowledge of most grammar and vocabulary, so most of the work will be practising the exercises included in the exam.
Hope this helps. Good luck. |
8 Jul 2010
Hi abba,
I don �t use any textbooks, so I can practise with them as many texts as I consider necessary and I give them the grammar they need to write better or the part they can be asked in selectivity. It works very well. My students get very good marks in selectivity and also learn a lot of English.
Hope it helps
Yolanda |
8 Jul 2010
Dear Abba, I agree with Isabel, check your University website and you will find samples and past exams there. I �ve taught English to 2nd Bach. students for several years now and I can assure you that there is plenty of time to cover all the syllabus, at least in Castilla y Le�n. However, the level of the students is quite important. For example, if their level is adequeate to the course, you will be able to do extra activities; on the contrary, if their level is below average for the course, I recommend reinforcing the weakest areas. In my region, the Selectividad (University entrance)exam doesn �t include listening or speaking exercises, so when I work with low level students, I focus on selectividad-type exercises and reduce the amount of listening and speaking we do in class. Hope you find this info useful!! MsPoppins
8 Jul 2010
Thanks a lot to all of you. I don �t know their level but I think it �s not quite good. I �ll check where you said and I �ll do my best. Thanks again. |
8 Jul 2010
You can find the latest exams here
where you can find the exam, the keys and also download the mp3 for the listening part.
Besides, most textbooks for batxillerat have lots of training material. You could check the student �s (and teachers �) site of, for example.
The syllabus is flexible, so you can add as many readings as you wish.
There are some very useful websites to keep up with the news:
and of course,
And of course, they should practise their writing as often as possible.
Good luck! |
8 Jul 2010
Useful sites!Thanks Crisholm! |
8 Jul 2010
Hello, Abba,
I Like the publisher Macmillan very much. They are releasing a new course for Bachillerato this year. The title is UPGRADE. Apart from all the resources they provide, the books will also have an online test generator. I give you the link of the demo. I think it can be very useful.
Greetings from Spain, where it is boiling at the moment. |
8 Jul 2010
Thanks a million to all of you, I �m very grateful for your help. The fact is that I �m a little bit worried because it � s the first time I prepare students for �selectividad �. I �ll check all the websites you mentioned. Thanks again and have a nice day.
9 Jul 2010
Don �t worry, you �ll do well. And remember that everything they �ve done BEFORE 2nd Bat also counts! |
9 Jul 2010