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Concerning worksheets > HELP!!!
Can anybody tell me why a nice worksheet is been removed??? I �ve done me myself for the first time a wrksheet on the song a whole new world and it has been removed!!! i uploaded it once again today and I hope everythingis ok, I mean I think there is someone who has reported my worksheet just because but the problem is that the moderators accept te report and removed my wsheet!! I �m so sad...
16 Jul 2010
the only time a ws of a song is removed is because is just the lyrics without exercises. remember that songs lyrics can be found anywhere and is not a member original work. though i dont know if that was your case, but to remove a ws it has to be voted out for at least 5 moderators if i am not mistaken. |
17 Jul 2010
I think I saw it on the reported contributions page. If I remember correctly it got reported because the document was corrupted - some members couldn �t open it or read anything. I don �t think it had anything to do with content. There are a large number of reasons why a contribution may be reported, not all of which are a reflection on the author.
I can �t be 100% sure of this, but I think that was the reason. If so, check your document to see if there are any problems - if necessary copy and paste it into a new file and try again. Technical problems do happen and get reported and moderated like all other issues!
Moderators don �t accept someone �s report without checking - a worksheet won �t get removed without moderators reviewing it and then voting on it. If your worksheet was removed it would not be �just because � with the moderators having accepted it without checking. There would have to be a majority in favour of removing it. Any doubts about the reason for reporting it are discussed first.
I hope this answers your question.
17 Jul 2010
Lindsey is right - your ws was corrupted and it wasn �t possible to read it. It might be due to a font type. Have a great weekend, Michaela
17 Jul 2010