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Techniques and methods in Language Teaching > teaching vocabulary / magazines
teaching vocabulary / magazines
teaching vocabulary / magazines
Hi! How are all of you? These days have been hard having ESL Printables out of service, but now we �re back to normal ^^
I would like to ask some questions, I hope you can help me (please notice that I �m a very unexperienced teacher):
1st (and most important): I am having one-to-one lessons with a 17 yo girl and I �ve noticed that she has very little vocabulary, even the most basic words (also her level overall is quite low too). She is in highscool and she �s supposed to be pre-intermediate, as she has been studying English for 8 years at school. Teaching her grammar is very difficult as she doesn �t understand the words in examples, and therefore practising readings is very difficult too. How would you manage this? I am having her textbook from last year as a reference, but even that is hard for her to understand.
2: What can you tell me about "English Teaching Professional" magazine? is it useful? Would you subscribe to it?
Thank you VERY MUCH in advance
have a nice weekend :) |
24 Jul 2010
I �ve had quite a few of those cases and in my experience i would suggest to start everything from the very beginning; as if it were her first encounter with the english language. Then, perhaps, she starts remembering old things. But that will depend on the girl �s effort and will to learn. I hope it is useful. Good luck. |
24 Jul 2010
zoed izyan
good day to all, I am just new on this site and honestly just today I july 31 ,2010 ,, and i am amaze with this informative worksheet and exercises...i even registered my name as a member BUT my my problem is i have a difficulty on how to create exercise in manipulating the computer because im not a computer expert I �ve just learned it through experienced.. I want to download the worksheet that i like to but how could I send mine? i only have limited time to hands on computer because i dont have my personal computer... .. i only used USB for my own consumption//thanks
31 Jul 2010