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People People
People People
Hi everybody!!!! Hope you are having a great weekend... here in Mexico or at least in my town it �s cold and rainy which I love!!! Anyways... I need your help!!! One of my nieces asked me which of these sentences are correct: who are those people over there?? OR who are the people over there?? It got me all confused , I asked my husband who is a native speaker and he says both sound right to him.... are they both really correct?????? Help me please! :)
25 Jul 2010
Lina Ladybird
I agree with your husband, however, I personally would prefer saying "Who are those people over there?".
25 Jul 2010
I agree with Silke. "Who are the people over there" just doesn �t seem specific enough.
Bruce |
25 Jul 2010
I agree - used alone it isn �t specific enough. However as part of a conversation someone could be asking: �Who are those people sitting at the table? � � They are my aunt and uncle �. �And who are the people over there? � �Oh. They are my cousins. �
So it isn �t incorrect, but the use depends on the situation and context. |
25 Jul 2010
Yes, as a follow-up question, "the people" is definitely better than "those people", generally speaking |
25 Jul 2010
Thank you all!!! You�re answer was very helpful :) :)
26 Jul 2010