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Teaching material > Gosling or duckling
Gosling or duckling
Hi Regina, What if you used images of teenage gosling and duckling so to speak when the difference is a bit more obvious. or the young with their mommies? Sophia Smth like this
26 Jul 2010
This discussion is really Regina, I agree with Philip!
26 Jul 2010
Lina Ladybird
I also agree with Philip. There are enough other farm animal babies... (11) You don �t need the gosling at all, Regina!! ;))))
26 Jul 2010
Dear Baiba,
You surprise me every day. Don �t I have the right to ask a serious question?
There are children who are interested in more than chicken McNuggets and they ask questions like that if you present them a picture of a yellow fluff ball. I have all the animals that Philip suggested, at least the ones who live on farms in Germany.
You know, I don �t even take offense if some poultry who can hardly write a sentence that expands for more than 5 words and has less than 3 exclamation marks calls me a Nazi, there is a reason why there is the expression "bird brain." However, I find your ridiculously laughing thing up there quite inappropriate.
26 Jul 2010
Lina Ladybird
Aren �t goslings bigger than ducklings when they are "freshly" hatched? ;))
26 Jul 2010
Read Sun Tsu, baiba.
Thank you for your help, I think I have figured it out. ;o)
26 Jul 2010
I did it Regina!
"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot, will be victorious." / Sun Tzu
26 Jul 2010
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