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Games, activities and teaching ideas > the important things in life!!!
the important things in life!!!
Silvia , you did it, but for some of us is just too difficult to add exercises and questions. It �s so easy just to copy paste and play smart.
27 Jul 2010
In my opinion such texts (long and big-font) should not be copy-pasted on the forum. I would welcome any self-created piece of reflection or a new idea though. Easy to imagine what would happen with the forum if we all started to post our favourite quotes....
P.S. It can be easily posted as a link.
27 Jul 2010
Just a small point, because I �m a little confused. Are we talking about sand or lettuce?
I thought Cos was a type of lettuce?
Sorry, just injecting a little humour, but your point is valid and taken. |
27 Jul 2010
Wow, such a beautiful message! Thank you for sharing it.
And people -imagine the discussions one could have in class using this - as Giovanni has pointed out! It�s an incredibly lovely topic to talk about. One that gets people thinking about what is important... like right now...
Why should this not be on the main forum? It�s in English. It�s a thought/message/idea for us all to ponder and most importantly (to those who are being quite strict about rules here) - it can be used in class.
I am glad this was posted here or I would have missed it... You see, I don�t go into the Caf�. I don�t care for the Caf� and I am sure there are many of us here who feel the same - or just don�t have the time or inclination to go into the Caf�...
And like Douglas, I also miss the light-heartedness of before. I liked playing games with people, having new members join in on the fun and just basically "fool around". And what�s more, guess what? Those games I started using in class and some were a hit, other not but it was fun, it gave me ideas and I loved the light hearted feeling of being able to joke around. Now, the forum is.. I hate to say this... boring. You get the odd person like Sylvie, Bruna or others that try to lighten things up, move us away from "all this serious teacher business" and people "yell" at them! Not nice. At all.
Anyways, I had my say.
Wonderful story. Please keep them coming.
Hugs, Linda
27 Jul 2010
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