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Games, activities and teaching ideas > HELP!
hello dear colleagues!! I need some suggestions: I have to teach a section called PRACTICAL ENGLISH and I am supposed to introced the lessons AT A PARTY and AT A JOB INTERVIEW. Can anybody give some pieces of advice about how to present them and the kinds of material I can use? THANKS!!
30 Jul 2010
You can have a look at the "New English File series" This book has a practical English page to work with, at the end of each unit in any of the levels. If you can �t get the book, send me your email address in a private message and I can send you some scanned pages as regards the topic you need.
Kind regards. Elisabet. |
30 Jul 2010
If your students are advanced you could tell the students that they are going to have a dinner party for 12 �guests�. On a separate piece of paper have them write down the guest names of famous people and have them give a reason for choosing them.
You could also do another activity with a party by having your students prepare a party, where it will be, who will go, what kind of party it will be, the time, the place, entertainment etc.
You could also do a roleplay and dialogue regarding a party.
Regarding job interviews there are quite a few dialogues and job interview questions which you could Google, and use the examples. If you need any material pm me and I will send you some. |
30 Jul 2010
Thank you ,dear Anaisabel.It is a useful link |
30 Jul 2010