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take a break
Hey!!!!! Bruna!!!!!!!!!!!! I never had ANOTHER account!
I had one , right ? ( a looooong time ago!) , then I went ...mad ( ? ) ( a long story!!) & deleted my ws....
& came back (!!!) telling Victor beforehand. Hence Stexstme 2.
You know, I think I went mad somehow - just like some people around. Soooooooo, I �m not taking part, nor writing any comments... That would be ... unfair & rude.
I know one can be really upset - ....
& I wish people did not answer the posts we �ve been witnessing in the last few days - but I could not possibly write a comment - as I made so many mistakes...
Oh, well, nobody �s perfect!
31 Jul 2010
Somehow, I think you �re wrong ...
I love ... humour .... when no one �s hurt.
Or so I believe.
I �m off,
Take care,
Sylvie |
31 Jul 2010
Bruna Dutra
I �m sorry if I have, at any point of my membership, hurt anyone. But believe me, if I ever did, I am not aware of what I �ve done to do that.
I �m not a funny person, per se. But, at least, I try to be. In fact, I �ve learned to be (kinda) funny (if I am at all) being a teacher... I �ve come to learn that students learn better when they have a few chuckles in class.
Hope to catch up with you later! Have a nice day, Sylvie and all...
31 Jul 2010
A wonderful day to you, Sunshine!
Sylvie |
31 Jul 2010
Helen McK
I totally agree with Donapeter�s point that the most troublesome people on the site typically contribute very little. The idiom �empty vessels make the most noise� comes to mind�and I generally find that this holds true in real life also. |
31 Jul 2010
I really don �t understand this attitude. So many members creating multiple accounts and then writing in the forum insulting everybody and complaining about the rules and the site. Nobody is forced to stay here but if they stay, they should respect the rules. As I said yesterday, neither Lovely nor you are supposed to love all the members of the site but you are required to show some respect.
@ Sylvie. I don�t know what the problem was. I was not around those days but I am surely glad you decided to come back. Have a great weekend!
31 Jul 2010
Sometimes, things go ...wrong, & you cannot handle them. People are just like that , loving creatures who suffer- or/& - love. All I �m saying is = Just please! do not judge too quickly.
That �s about it, I �m afraid....
But I know for sure every one can make mistakes - & I thank them for it.
It just reminds me of my own....
Hugs to you,
Sylvie |
31 Jul 2010
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