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ESL forum > Concerning worksheets > reported ws , why ?    

reported ws , why ?

manonski (f)

You raise a good point.

31 Jul 2010     

Bruna Dutra

Someone once said (maybe Victor?! I can �t remember), that before, the comments were sent to the user who had the ws reported, which caused very often some kind of retaliation (reporting the reporter �s and the commentators � wss just out of spite, for example)

I believe that if you are a moderator, you somehow deserve to be that, and it means that you have been in this community long enough to honor that position, if you decide to take it (I mean, if you decide to actually participate on moderating).

But anyone can make a mistake. Even moderators, and if that �s the case, I believe I �ve read on the forum Victor saying that such mistakes, or situations that moderators don �t come to a consensus should be taken to him. He can restore even points lost.

I think this is the case.

But nothing is thaaaat unfair, Sylvie, I guess not so much... of course, moderators have that priviledge, but haven �t they earned it?
People must start understanding that the reporting of a ws is NOT the end of the world or your time here in ESLp.

For the ones who carefully read the rules, it will be hard to have a worksheet removed, IMHO.

31 Jul 2010     


Fom what I have seen lately, I do not agree with you. Once more. Sorry.
Easy to see the Sun shine in your part of the world - IMHO.
But rules are Ok, as far as I am  concerned.

31 Jul 2010     

Bruna Dutra

Don �t be sorry, mate!
That �s the beauty of it, don �t you think? Having different opinions and POVs... actually, my opinions are not based solely on my inner beliefs, but also in the reasonings of those who I like to share thoughts with. Like you guys in here!!!
If we agreed at all times, it would be soooo boring! Wink

See you around... hope someday we do agree, though! lol LOLLOLLOL
Just kidding!


31 Jul 2010     


Leave the �reasonings of those you like ... � , Bruna, & ask your own soul.
Stop sharing thoughts : Think BY yourself.... Not an order, just a wish....Wink
In the end, if we do not think alike, it won �t be a problem, will it ???
Just like you, I do not mind different views.
& I won �t be searching the ws of a person who disagrees.
Because he/she has the right to do so.
He/she has the DUTY to do so.
I �ve not been showing, but I �ve been reading ... a lot.Wink

31 Jul 2010     

Bruna Dutra

There �s a saying down here the tropics that goes something like:
(Free translation) "Those who do not change their minds are those who do not have one at all"

That �s why I said that I �m always willing to hear people who disagree with me, maybe they �re right and I �m wrong, maybe the opposite. That �s why I don �t mind sharing thoughts, and I �m guessing always will.

Actually, it �s not about thinking for yourself, or being right or wrong, but being acceptive to other people �s reasonings, you know? then we certainly would never have problems.

I �m not sure I got the part you wrote about searching the ws, but other moderators have told me that it happened like that (I wasn �t a member when that was the case). Those who had wss reported and got to see who did it (or who commented in favor of removal), started to report/harass them.

31 Jul 2010     


you got it all wrong.
Ask members like zora ( linda will tell ya.)
If you did not get the search ws part, it �s a shame, really. I thought smart members would notice.....
Never mind.
Anywayway, ask Zora : I DO trust members like her!!Big smile If I �m wrong, she�ll ( hopefully!!!) tell you!
I�m off , Bruna! Will be pleased to talk to you - later on!!! 
Nite nite ,

31 Jul 2010     

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