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Concerning worksheets > I īm disappointed!!!
I īm disappointed!!!
I īm disappointed!!!
Hello, dear friends! I just want you to tell me what is wrong with my wss What would you do if...? 3 parts? Each of them has been downloaded more than 50 times. But someone reported them for I don īt know why! I īm a new member and I haven īt appealed to you until now yet. But now I īm sooo angry and disappointed! Every day we can find here phrases saying how people love this site. And I do!!!! It really provokes addiction but it also provokes deep sadness when such things happen. Help me, please!!!
2 Aug 2010
Dear Tanya,
I reported your ws.
The reason why I downloaded them was that I looked why they needed to be on three different ws and couldn īt be combined in one. I noticed that a lot of pictures were bigger than necessary (you made them smaller to fit the designated space on the ws), that takes up a lot of unnecessary space and people need to spend more points on getting your materials.
Even though more than 50 people had downloaded your ws, nobody had cared to report them. I noticed that all of them contained pictures that you were not authorized to use (watermarked) and that is a clear violation of this site īs terms and conditions.
I understand how you feel but your ws were reported righfully.
2 Aug 2010
I see now. I couldn īt fit the size so had to divide in 3 parts. You also told about watermarked pictures. But I saw a lot of wss with the same marks. I can change them. I haven īt thought that it can be the reason.
2 Aug 2010
Dear Tanya,
I had the same problem yesterday,my ws also was reported because of watermarked pictures.and today it has been removed.Yesterday I replaced those pictures for new ones and reuploaded it again,and everyhing is normal...I hope so anyway![Smile](
2 Aug 2010
Thanks, Asyuta, for answering! But the point is that after re-uploading it once more people who have already downloaded the wss won īt do it once more because they don īt care if the pics watermarked or not. And I won īt get the points for them. At least, now I know the reason.
2 Aug 2010
maybe you should have read the rules properly before uploading your wss. This is how it īs going here - you don īt follow the rules, you lose points you have earned with ws breaking them. And you might get even more points, you never know. I believe there are a lot of members who didn īt download your ws just because it is in parts. And for members with less points every single point is precious so they rather don īt download such ws.
2 Aug 2010
Yeah,I can understand your feelings, cause I lost 40 points yesterday...,but there was nothing to do,except reuploading
2 Aug 2010
OMG......history repeating over and over again. If only people read the rules! But no!!! They don īt read them and then they complain and whine and call moderators names and īs endlessly!!!!!!!!! Points points points! But what about a wss īs quality? Do you download high-rated wss? I guess you do! Do you like them? I guess so! So....we are all searching for such things: high-quality wss.
PS And I am disappointed too!
2 Aug 2010
Dear donapeter,
Of cource the quality of wss is very important part...But this story will happen again and again,even there will be a lot of new users,and of cource they read rules of uploading,But the situation can come,that some of users have never heard about watermarked pictures,and just guess it īs meaning like me...please be patient to people and help if you want,but don īt complain. I suppose that you also was in such kind of situation...
2 Aug 2010
if you see a " new" term somewhere you just GOOGLE it and find the answer. It īs not difficult. Of course, English is not my first language, or second or .. third and I find lots of new words everyday BUT i know how to use a dictionary (as I claim my sts to use one) and I have internet so...I can search the word , see its definition and its image if necessary. AND if I do something wrong....I don īt complain, I don īt whine and I am not disappointed of anybody else but me.
So...not knowing a word is not an excuse. Not for ESL teachers, right? Itīs somehow strange how nobody ASKS on the forum what " watermark" means but they complain about removed wss.
2 Aug 2010
Asyuta is just in the same position like me. I also have never heard about watermarked pictures and I īve read the rules. Now I know.
2 Aug 2010
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