I am doing a proofreading at the moment and need help
with a few issues, as I have been working since 8 o �clock today and my
mind is not sure of anything anymore.
1900, United States changed between what historians call "public
actions and private interests."" - I feel the comma is not needed here. What do you think?
another time, they become disillusioned with the social experiments
and focus on themselves." - never heard of such a phrase. I would remove �at � leaving �another time � only. What �s your idea?
beginning of the Great Depression, the pendulum swung again, and
Roosevelt �s New Deal and Truman �s Fair Deal focuses on government
actions to alleviate the social misery." - Any ideas about this one? I
would remove all the commas and changes the word �focuses � into �focus �.
returned during 1950 under Eisenhower, to be followed by a shift in
the direction of liberalism in the �new frontier� of Kennedy
and Johnson �s �Great Society�." - Wouldn �t you add �s � to 1950
and have 1950s - this is what I feel with the word during. The New
Frontier or New Frontier? I would also remove the quoting marks and
write it in capital letters. The same with Great Society - no capitals.
reached a climax in the selection of Ronald Regan in 1990." - What about this? It �reached a climax �
or it �reached climax � is enough here? �Selection � should be �election �
obviously, but what about the phrase �in the election �? Shouldn �t it be
�after the election �?
Thank you so much for all your answers and help.
All the best,