Here is the explanation from
Part of Speech: adjective
Pronunciation: [bl�n- �di-l�-qw�nt]
Definition: Smooth-talking, honey-tongued; flattering.
Usage: When today �s word was last used, it, too, had
acquired the pejorative sense of "smooth-talking," "Some blandiloquent
used-car salesman convinced Millicent to buy a 1986 Chevy with 150,000
miles on it." However, since we must revive it, we might just as well
revive it as a neutral term, "Bridget is so easily attracted to
blandiloquent men that we don �t let her go out with subscribers to
yourDictionary �s Word of the Day."
Suggested Usage: Today �s word is another tottering
on the brink of extinction�most dictionaries have already given up on
it. The Oxford English Dictionary has retained the noun,
"blandiloquence," and an adjectival cousin, "blandiloquous." We need to
retain this word, however, if for no other reason than it sounds better
than "smooth-talking."
Etymology: Today �s is another case of lexical
larceny by Mother English, this time of Latin blandiloquentia
"smooth-talking," a compound composed of blandus "soft" + loquor "to
talk," whose verbal noun is loquentia "talking, talk." Oddly enough,
the PIE root underlying bland- is *mol- "soft" (cf. Italian molle
"soft") in the usual three ablaut flavors, including *mel- and *ml-. The
word-initial combination [ml] sometimes became [bl] in Latin and Greek,
hence Latin "blandus" with a suffix �nd. In Greek we find malakos
"soft," in Serbian, mlad "young," and in Russian molodoy "young."
English inherited this root through the Germanic languages as "melt"
and "mild."