Word of the Day
Good Morning One and All!
Today �s word of the day is; Clithridiate
All responses are welcome but please don �t post a dicitionary definition as that kind of spoils it for the people who come after you.
Answer will be posted later today.
virtual slush puppies for all correct answers. |
21 Aug 2010
Sounds like a chemical to me
21 Aug 2010
Kate (kkcat)
EDIT: I definitely don�t like the way this word sounds, so it may mean something unpleasant...
21 Aug 2010
Clith sounds like Sith and ridiate could be to get rid of.
My guess - to get rid of dark Jedi Lords!
21 Aug 2010
Cli-from client, thri-from thrice diate so it means to triple your clients.Ha-ha-ha! Dora EDIT:Here is another guess. From the ancient Greek word kleithron=lock ,so it means to use locks!!!
21 Aug 2010
Sounds like something from Lord of the Rings
Something to do with clensing perhaps???
PS: couldn�t resist checking in Dictionary of Difficult words! Boy, was I off base!!! good one, Frank! |
21 Aug 2010
I have never heard of it! We learn everyday - right?
Let �s see............Clithridiate
Clith - ridate hmmmm - perhaps the watering of a cliff spoken by a person with a speech impediment???
21 Aug 2010
I could only come up with some ideas not necessarily fit for the forum....
I checked the real meaning and the only connection to my associations were poetic..... |
21 Aug 2010
clithridiate: adj. joc. describing an adult male who thinks he �s an 11-year old boy. cf krankiate (an adult female who thinks she �s an 11-year old boy)[from Jimmy Clitheroe, an English comedian - see here] |
21 Aug 2010
Hi everyone, I was looking for that word on internet and a dictionary called say the next:
Shaped like a keyhole: applied to the form of the orifice of the zooecia? of certain polyzoans. |
21 Aug 2010