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Word of the Day

Greek Professor
Good morning everyone...
I smell something bad happening.....something scandulous... |
24 Aug 2010

If you want a taxi you can flag it down
IOUs are debts to pay
So is it what what is owing when you hail a taxi in the street?
or like an old musical instrument ? |
24 Aug 2010

I support the variant that it is an adjective meaning obsessed with flags... can�t smell any gas.....
24 Aug 2010

Hey, I know this one, I was reading a book the other day, set in Victorian time, lots of difficult words in there... It actually means something so scandalous (kudos Greek Professor! You rule!), so wicked and wrong that it �s almost criminal. I guess passing gas in a roomfull of people is flagitious but it has nothing to do with gas or flags.
I feel like I �m almost cheating, I looked it up just a few days ago... |
24 Aug 2010

Interesting ...
I just put it in an anagram server and it found 377 anagrams but the one I like best, given the hilarious suggestions, is: Gas Foul I It 
24 Aug 2010

Jayho!!!! Gas Foul I it??? Too funny!
for those who looked up the word - that �s cheating! Our imaginations are much more fun! Perhaps it �s a gassy-flag-waving - taxi-hailing person???
24 Aug 2010

Flagitious= an expert on flags and gas...the perfect mix.
24 Aug 2010

Oh well at least you guys have a keen sense of humor. The word flagitious means flamboyant, ostentatious or flashy. His uniform was flagitious. It originates from the early Dutch navy. Incorporated in an admiral�s as well as a commodore�s emblem or badge were crossed flags. So anyone dressed to kill, so to speak, was flagitiously dressed. Especially if a lower ranked seaman should dress beyond his station or ranking he would be ridiculed by his mates.
Enjoy. |
24 Aug 2010

Flagilitious: Delitious cake in the shape of a country �s flag baked in honour of a famous visitor from that country. |
24 Aug 2010

Or................ it could be a take-off on the expression/song from Mary Poppins called:
superfragilisticexpialidocious!!! (you all know that word, I �m sure! )
24 Aug 2010
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