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classroom decoration

classroom decoration
dear colleagues, what do you usually decorate your language classes with at the beginning of a school year? I�m getting my classroom ready and looking for some tips for classroom decoration. Unfortunately, I have no projects or any other students�works from previous years because this is my first class I am going to teach. Thaknks a lot for your help.
24 Aug 2010

lucky you!!! you �ve got your classroom!!! I don �t... i just go from classroom to classroom which is a pity because i can �t decorate it!!! you really have to decorate it because it � fun entering a pretty classroom! 2 years ago i had my classroom and i put posters of english speaking countries, pictures of different landscapes or monuments representative of english speaking countries... some punctuation advices and some phonetics... you can also make them create some rules at the beginning of the year on a computer such as raise your hand or ...hope this help!!! have a nice day!
24 Aug 2010

Thank you for your great advice!
24 Aug 2010

Dear kotyna!If you want send on my pm your e-mail and I will send you photos of the decorations in my English room.Good luck! |
24 Aug 2010

Try emailing the publishing companies whose books you are using and politelly ask them for posters, most are glad to send them for free...
24 Aug 2010