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Message board > QUOTE OF THE DAY!
Hi everybody,
As Silke says I should have made my purpose clearer in my first post forum.........
I teach at a school in Thailand and every day I give out students the quote of the day and have been doing this for six or more months, and yes l have a list and know plenty of famous quotes myself.
If you would like to participate in the quote of the day! then just try to guess the famous person who said this. Without looking it up on Google!!! that would be toooooo easy. Any answers that are guess work or funny would be ideal.
The thought came to me when seeing the word of the day on the forum.
24 Aug 2010
Olindalima ( F )
Hi Redbull
besides your favourite drink, I think I don �t know anything about you.
I read about some printable you have uploaded and was reported, very recently.
I read the many answers that you were given, at that time.
I have seen you, in these last days, moving around.
Now, what I can see is just someone trying to steal an idea ( Frank �s , I think ) to put yourself on the stage.
The forum is not mean for this.
We can perfectly have one or two disfunctional posts, we can have one or
two people around asking for not necessary help, we can have one or two
posts sending best regards to this or that, we can have here, well, tons
and tons of different things, in my opinion, but
We shouldn �t have here anyone copying/pasting an idea, just for show off.
Pease, Redbull, we know you don �t have your own wings, but do use the ones you got. If you want to start something like this, take it easy, wait for the other thread to go away. And then, calmly, politely, as Frank did, try to start a new thing, don �t try a competetion, it �s completely useless for you and boring for other memberd.
Don �t forget Redbull �s wings, they fly
Whishing you all the best Linda
24 Aug 2010
Dear Linda,
When I posted my forum post about the worksheet I was making a statement like anyone would if you thought that your worksheet was valid. And my answers was the result of reply �s made to my forum it was very upsetting to read some of the peoples reply, but lets put that all behind us I know I have.
And please read this post again as I quote this.................
The thought came to me when seeing the word of the day on the forum.
and I checked for any forums out there with the quote of the day! and guess what no forum with this kind of thing ever.
BUT one thing is for sure and I know! that I do give my students quotes of the day.
And i �m not here for winning people over, or trying to get any kind of brownie points. I �m here for giving people help,getting help that sometimes don �t work.lot �s of reasons why I like being here.
Linda I find you forum statement very rude.
Please Linda or anyone else that doesn �t really like me becuase of the debate forum worksheet from past keep your thoughts to youself.YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE USEING THIS WONDERFUL WEBSITE. Best regards.
24 Aug 2010
Hey Redbull,
I think you don �t have to explain yourself at all. The only thing you want to do is throwing in a little fun and there �s nothing wrong with that. There are always people who don �t like that and come up with all kinds of reasons why they don �t like it or what so ever. This says a lot about those who are doing that.
25 Aug 2010