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Games, activities and teaching ideas > How to start?
How to start?

Olindalima ( F )
Hi my dear
I always get the best students in my school.Not because anyone picks them for me , not because some strange God drop them in my classes.
Just because, from the very starting I DO TELL them: You CAN BE THE BEST.
I would never dare to write " They are stupid",  
However, some of them give some nights in blank - trying to desguise what I can do to help them, but I know, if they don �t, it �s me who wasn �t able.
Now, a little note, no one is here listenong to us - I do, but I do understand you - some of them are really difficult and turn out to be the ones who won �t leave a fully sleepy night.
Just change a little bit the way you refer to them, the way you see them I and, AM ALMOST SURE, THEY WILL, LITLLE BY LITTLE, STEP BY STEP, TURN INTO SOME wonderful kids.
Sorry for the capital letters, but I can �t change them ,not shouting, they won+t change to sensitive case, anyway, and I am tired, really, off, can �t change the letters, sorry.
wishing you all the best linda
25 Aug 2010

I totally sympathise with your situation. I �ve never taught kids in a special class of the same type you have, but I remember my first year in this job and I had what was basically a remedial class and they nearly put me off teaching for life! Luckily it was only one class and I survived. since then, I tend to get one difficult class every year but I can handle them now. I can tell you though, I call them all sorts of names in the staffroom ( a lot worse than �stupid �) - letting off steam allows me to go back into class and deal with them! I think every teacher has their own way of handling pressure. The teachers who love all their students are the lucky ones. If I love 80% in one year, it �s a good year for me!
I agree with most of the suggestions posted here. Teaching lexis rather than grammar is much more effective at lower levels. Focus on the positive - reward students when they do something well and always be encouraging. If that �s too much too handle with difficult students, be even more encouraging! If a student misbehaves, get them to sit next to you and tell them it �s because you enjoy their company and want to spend more time with them!
I also find learner diaries work well with low levels. Get them to write a sentence or two about what they did in class or what they did at the weekend. Don �t correct it - reward the effort rather than the outcome. As the year progresses, make suggestions for things to include and give them models to work from. I found that my students started to produce grammatically correct sentences without me teaching it explicitly.
Don �t give up. Some of the students from my terrible class that first year here were my students again this year. They �re now intermediate and lively, interesting teenagers who can maintain a conversation in English! They even told me that I was their favourite English teacher ever! This from the same students who used to make me cry in the toilets!
25 Aug 2010

hi Marion,
Check this link :
Maybe you �ll find interesting ideas!! ...
All the best,
Sylvie |
25 Aug 2010
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