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Word of the Day

Word of the Day
Hi everyone
Today �s word is: floccinaucinihilipilification (yes - it is a real word!)
Let �s see what kinds of guesses we get for this! As usual, no posting dictionary definitions but feel free to invent any meaning you wish!
27 Aug 2010

Aw, c �mon! You made that up. It doesn �t mean anything. |
27 Aug 2010

Kate (kkcat)
hahhaa..... I guess it �s the name of the disease when people are unable to pronounce long words smoothly...something like that...yeah.
27 Aug 2010

Mariethe House
Almaz: Very funny!
I think you have made it up to make us believe it �s one of the longest words in the English language! But this is a totally worthless attitude Lindsey!! Do you really think we are that na�ve and credulous?? Here is one of the longest words pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and I guess this is totally floccinaucinihilipilificative
27 Aug 2010

Greek Professor
cool...must be the longest word in the dictionary..ha ha ha!
flocci... part of it sounds like a a fluffy carpert we have...flocata... |
27 Aug 2010

lol... it does exist and while I can�t remember what it means, my boyfriend does!! In fact, he tried to get me to pronounce the darn thing and I gave up after the 4th try! 
But anyways, I think it means to be vaccinated against fluffy carpets. lol
27 Aug 2010

putting something in pill form, but I �m not sure what hmm..
Somehting that has been made into a pill that you can set on the ground, add water and have a flokati |
27 Aug 2010

Hello everybody!
Ooh! Ooh! can I play?
I like this game... Hmmm. Let �s see...
It �s obviously some kind of code... If i just add this letter here, take away this one
Ahhh! that �s better
Yep, that sounds about right...  |
27 Aug 2010

I love Frank �s word, he �s made it much more readable!
As to me, I am able to see only nihil and -fication there, so to me the word means annihilation of something totally mysterious.
27 Aug 2010

Not so difficult, is it ??
Flocci = from flock ( crowd) / cinauci = related to cinema / nihili(sm) = nothing has value / pili = Greek letter made longer 
floccinaucinihilipilification = Greek habit of queueing up in front of a cinema & thinking the movie is no good.  |
27 Aug 2010

Another of Mary Poppins �s magical formulas, like Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
By the way, Lindsey, would you, by any chance, be a floccinaucinihilipilificatrix?   |
27 Aug 2010
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