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Games, activities and teaching ideas > PET MISTAKES

Good evening, everyone!
I was wondering if you or your students have what I call - pet mistakes! You know those little spelling errors or slight grammar mistakes that you seem to be unable to get rid of? For instance. mine is always having to pause when I spell weird(never sure which goes first e or i) or unnecessary(always careful which is double and which isn �t). I �m not asking you to explain the rules - we all know them. I was just wondering which are the ones you or your students often make.
(In case you �re wondering why I �m asking, I �ve just been writing something and found myself checking those yet again and thought I might check with you and perhaps turn it into a ws.)
Thanks for sharing!
PS: I might not be here all evening, but I �ll check the thread from time to time, so if I don �t reply a question or two - I �m not avoiding anyone  ... |
27 Aug 2010

my students � mistakes: witch instead of which - their instead of there or they �re - environnement instead of environment (they spell like it �s written in French)... mine: can �t remember any mistakes in English, but can find a lot in French... good night!
27 Aug 2010

My students - allways, whit instead of with, belive instead of believe... |
27 Aug 2010

Lina Ladybird
Hi, Anita!
That �s an interesting topic.
My ss have problems with the following words:
definitely (BTW, that �s a word even some native speakers here in the forum misspell frequently!!  ---> definately)
possible (they write "possable")
words ending in -uous (e. g. continuous)
words ending in -ful (e. g. wonderful ---> wonderfull)
it �s vs its
your vs you �re (your invited  )
then vs than
I �ll try to think of some more...
Edit: Baiba, you and I wrote at the same time... I sooo agree with you! It�s a horrible attitude!! What annoys me even more than that is that my students are using the genitive �s in German. In German you don�t say "this is Baiba�s car", you say "dies ist Baibas Auto" without an apostrophe after the name. However, a lot of Germans (not just kids) have adapted that English genitive �s!  |
27 Aug 2010

A few years ago I started seeing Santa Claus spelt Santa Clause, on account of that infernal movie. The thing is, it wasn �t just students or English learners for that matter.
Other pet peeves; There instead of their, or they �re instead of their.
Borrow when it should be lend
and the substitution of letters for words in text messages, such as, U=you
2morrow= tomorrow
4= for
and plenty more like that...
C U 2morrow, it really gets my goat up  |
27 Aug 2010

Oh, I remembered the eternal problem with the vowels in beautiful!
And yes Silke, then and than is a classic!
27 Aug 2010

Lina Ladybird
AND it�s from an American website!!
I �m at a loss for words, I really am. *sigh*
27 Aug 2010

My students have a problem between vacancy and vacation. They often say I am going on vacancy instead of vacation. Because most of my students are French learning English they often get mixed up with tree and three, third and turd. They get a chuckle when I explain the meaning of turd. It �s more of a pronounciation problem and not spelling. |
27 Aug 2010

on a hotel: wellcome, dear guest �s! |
27 Aug 2010

Hypercorrection is alive and well and lives everywhere in the English-speaking world. But I �ve never understood why non-natives should confuse a straight plural �s � and an apostrophe �s � if there �s no equivalent in their mother tongue (mind you, the jury �s still out on TVs or TV �s) unless a �teacher � somewhere in their past has been equally confused.
By the way, Giovanni, I have an Irish friend who just can �t wait until Prince Charles ascends to the British throne! |
27 Aug 2010
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