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Ask for help > Argentinian teachers! I need your help please!
Argentinian teachers! I need your help please!
Argentinian teachers! I need your help please!
Hi! dear colleagues, I �m in real need these days u know. In the public schools I work, we are supposed to make some projects. In one school, this year we �re celabrating the 50th anniversary, but it �s difficult for me to find what to do coz I have 4th year EP there and it �s a rural school, they don �t know much and if they do, it �s onlyabout basic vocabulary, not any grammatical structure. I need some creative ideas for children, but as if they were kinder level. In the 2nd school, they want me to make a project on the school �s 32nd anniversary, but most important of all is the project on PUEBLOS ORIGINARIOS DE LA ARGENTINA. In this school I have 5th and 6th year EP. In the third and last school, they asked me to make a Fairy tales project or any project on reading in 5th and 6th year EP too, coz we are having a MARATON DE LECTURA and English cannot be excluded! I was thinking about a big book of fairy tales but Im not as keen on handycrafts as I would like to! Do you have any idea or any link in which I can find any help for any of the projects I need??? Thx a lot!! and any foreign country contribution will be welcome too!!
Samanta from Buenos Aires.
3 Sep 2010
teacher jessie
If students don �t have a good level of English (you said they only know vocabulary) singing a song is a good idea, maybe they can get dressed as the characters in the song (flower, bird, monster, etc.) they depend on the song. Parents and other teachers usually enjoy music a lot. With PUEBLOS ORIGINARIOS, you could have Ss investigating (you could provide the material) and then making posters on the different aborigines. You could focus on Past Tense. If you haven �t taught it, you could have them imagine and write about one aborigine routine for example. I don �t have any ideas for fairies, perhaps you can focus on Tinker Bell that is so IN nowadays. Hope it helps Good luck.
3 Sep 2010