Word of the Day
Good Morning
and Happy Eid to All who are celebrating today.
Today �s word is: Recumbentibus
All guesses welcome, please no dictionary definitons or images.
Have Fun |
10 Sep 2010
A sleeper bus? The kind with seats that recline all the way? (from recumbere- recline?)
The bus transporting the entourage of the guy (incumbent) who is running for office again and again.
(this could of course be a bus with reclining seats for the one who is not declining his seat...)
I love this game!! (and hate it at the same time, I finally got over the urge to check all the recents every day, moved to wishing everyone a happy birthday and when i finally overcame that I got addicted to this game...!) |
10 Sep 2010
a bus that have only one seat ...far in the back of it! recumbent + bus ( "i" is a linking vowel) OR Latin word meaning an old-fashioned vehicle. It can also have a feminine gender as recumbentibusa. Recumbertibusus is the plural form for masculine.
Ex. The Romans used to travel long distances by recumbentibusus!!! |
10 Sep 2010
Maybe is a kind of Dance???
10 Sep 2010
| weird at all...I have the same feeling!!! |
10 Sep 2010
It �s someone lying in a bus.
Recumbent - lying down & probably asleep
i � - old Yorkshire dialect for �in �
recumbent i � bus
And they �re probably at the terminus with a grumpy driver shaking them awake. |
10 Sep 2010
old memories from my latin studies the end of the word " tibus" should indicate an ablative plural
the beginning of the word recumen just make me think about " remembrance " so it could be ancient souvenirs... I am only trying to guess !!!
Frank you are astonishing the words you can write here !!!! |
10 Sep 2010
A recumbent bicycle is one that the rider sits (almost lies) in a reclining position. So Marion�s bus with bed-like seats is pretty spot on. It�s a traveling orgy bus where you are fed cucumbers instead of grapes. OH! The suffix is tibus, like Catalina and Donna, I also misread the word. Sorry I have no idea. |
10 Sep 2010
I �m thinking it �s a new type of cucumber that grows lying flat on the ground and matures to be the size of a bus... or maybe not after all... would sure make all those vegetable growing contests hard to host. Might be possible in the world of Wallace and Grommit though. |
10 Sep 2010
Hi everybody, I think that this word is very difficult, my guess is:
re of repeat
cumben related with cucumber like said Catalina Sorina
ibus word related with dative or ablative from Latin
Conclusion: Medicine for not to repeat when we eat cucumber! |
10 Sep 2010