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Concerning worksheets > using someone else īs title
using someone else īs title

using someone else īs title
Dear all my dear friends and colleagues around the world,
I was wondering if someone could help me with a query I have.
If there is a worksheet that has a title in an unusual font that you think has been copied and pasted from another member īs worksheet should you report it or not?
I was of the opinion that we are not allowed to use any part of another member īs worksheet without permission, but as it is not a copy of the entire worksheet, and not even a copy of the layout, just of the title, I feel unsure as to what to do in this situation and would appreciate any advice you can give me.
Thanks in advance for all your help.
Julia |
10 Sep 2010

By all means, yes, report at will. Not only should you report unusual fonts or the use of someone else īs title, the use of individual words or images should be reported as well.
It is actually quite inadmissible as well that the same letters - or numbers - should be used by someone else. One cannot be strict enough.
(Just as insurance - Irony: the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning)
10 Sep 2010

Hi PhillipR,
Now, I know you are being a little bit sarcastic with me and that this is a sensitive issue, but seriously, I really feel unsure as to what is the right thing to do.
I noticed it this morning and decided to let it slide, but tonight it just jumped out at me again as I scrolled through the recent contributions. It is the exact same title as a worksheet I downloaded a couple of weeks ago, and to be honest I don īt think it is fair to the person who made the original workhseet to be used without their permission, sorry if that offends some of you here.
I know we are teachers who are here to share, but I also believe that we should have the common decency, good manners and sense of respect to ask others before using parts of their work in our own.
I would appreciate any other opinions on this issue, too, please.
Thank you in advance to all who reply.
10 Sep 2010

It īs just a title for crying out loud. Sorry, but I can īt be a good judge without you giving more information. Please post links to the wss concerned if you want us to give our opinions.
But honestly, don īt you think this it taking it a bit too far? |
10 Sep 2010

Olindalima ( F )
Hi Julia
I īm not sure if I understand what you are referring to. Fonts, as you called it, my opinion, everyone who has a computer has, for sure, the same fonts, more or less; there are plenty of free funny fonts to download, too, I can download the same as you. May be you called fonts to what I usually call Alphas; these are very elaborate clipart, with cute drawings, kind of this: 
I have got many of these and they are all free, so, once again, I don īt think it is to report.
However, may be you are talking about something quite different and, may be you are right. You can send the link to some moderators you know well and ask them their opinion. I think it would be better than reporting at once. It īs always sad to report.
By the way, if there is anyone around fond of these Alphas, pm me, I can zip and send.
Hope I have given some help.
And, as far as PhilipR, smile, he slept badly last night, with his feet out of the blanket, that why he is a little sleepy, now. He is always a very nice person. Linda
10 Sep 2010

Julia, I really think it depends on the extent to which creativity is copied (is there such a thing as copied creativity??). It can be a tough one to prove, Philip does have a point.
10 Sep 2010

Bruna Dutra
Is there any way you could take it as a compliment!? Just asking, because you know, it īs not like we do start EVERY SINGLE THING from scratch.
And giving my personal opinion, since you īve asked, no... it should be reported if it īs just a title.
Keep up the good work, Julia!

10 Sep 2010

Hi everyone Sometimes people borrow ideas... they get inspired by someone else īs work. Should you report them too? I had a ws and wanted to create more of the series but some creative teacher borrowed my idea and created a series themselves and even used the same wording in the title. Well those wss weren īt copies so why report them? But I took the time and wrote the user a pm and told them how smart of them it was. I īm probably too slow to catch up with other creative teachers  I also know that some users let other users use their layouts sometimes (forgive the alliteration)  . Plus, as to the pics we all take them from public domain clipart collections which means we DON īT own them. Sophia |
10 Sep 2010

Dear all,
Thank you for your input, I really appreciate how helpful you have all been.
Hope all have a lovely weekend.
Julia |
10 Sep 2010

It was not just the title, the rest of the ws was taken from yet another member.....stumbled across it by going through the alphabet ws.
10 Sep 2010
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