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Classroom language
Classroom language
Salam dear all.I �m stuck.I need a good worksheet about classroom language for complete beginners. I went through all worksheets to do with this , but didn �t like them , frankly speaking. Thank you
10 Sep 2010
Hi Inspiration,
When I can �t find exactly what I �m looking for amongst all the wonderful contributions here, I just go ahead and make it myself.
I �m afraid it �s the only solution unless you want to try another site or buy some resources from an shop that stocks esl resources.
Good luck whatever you decide to do!
Juliag |
10 Sep 2010
Inspiration, don �t you think it �s a little rude to say you didn �t like our worksheets? frankly speaking, i wouldn �t dare say something like that on the forum... Maybe you didn �t found what you �re looking for, that doesn �t mean all those worksheets are not interesting... as far as I �m concerned, when I can �t find a worksheet that would be suitable for my pupils, I create it! so I think you should follow Juliag �s advice! Have a nice day! Elodie
10 Sep 2010
Actually, Elojolie, I don �t think it �s rude at all. He didn �t say they weren �t interesting, nor did he insult anyone. He simply said he didn �t like the ones he saw. Are all members required to LIKE everything? Give a guy a break.
On the other hand, I don �t see how we can help you, Inspiration, unless you give us a little, well, inspiration: What exactly are you looking for in a classroom language WS for complete beginners. If you can �t be more specific, then (as suggested above) make it yourself!
10 Sep 2010
I know guys that its not the right thing to say.I should have mulled it over before posting...I was in a hurry when I posted! I wasn �t rude dearElodie We �re teachers and we are not here to critisize or parody one another or belittle the contributions of our creative teachers ! All I meant the ones I tried didn �t work well for me an my students.So sorry again.
10 Sep 2010
I hope all teachers were like you Tastbrain.What you said is exactly what I meant unlike what Elodie & Julia thought ! Thanks .I �m looking for simple , clear commonly classroom language.Thanks a lot in advance
10 Sep 2010
I didn �t mean to be rude myself, and i �m afraid you think of me as a bad person now... all i meant to say is "be careful with the words you used"... for me, when you wrote "I need a good worksheet about classroom
language for complete beginners. I went through all worksheets to do
with this , but didn �t like them" it felt like you had found no good ws here... maybe it was just the way you said it what bothered me...
let me give you some advice: sometimes, I download a ws because I like the idea/theme the author used, but the vocabulary is not exactly what I �m looking for, so I adapt the worksheet I downloaded. Why don �t you try to do that?
I �ve got a ws that may suit you - it �s a list of sentences pupils should know in 6e, 5e, 4e - considering they are beginners in 6e - I can �t upload it because it �s taken from a book and there �s some French on it (but it shouldn �t be a problem since you �re from Morocco, right?), but if you send me a PM with your email address, i �ll be happy to send it via email!
have a nice friday Elodie
10 Sep 2010
In the US - we would politely say - I didn �t find what I was looking for.
That way, no one is offended.
10 Sep 2010
Hi again,
Please do not make assumptions about what other people are thinking, I think it is unfair.
Much as you may not agree with me and you are free to disagree with me, I was only trying to help you by telling you what I would do in the same situation.
Why don �t you write a list of the specific phrases you are looking for in the worksheet? That will make it much easier for other teachers to let you know if they have the kind of worksheet you are looking for or not.
Great day to all, or night here actually
Julia |
10 Sep 2010
Thanks a lot Baiba for the links. They are so useful |
10 Sep 2010