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Make suggestions, report errors > A suggestion to Victor! ;-)
A suggestion to Victor! ;-)
A suggestion to Victor! ;-)
Hi Victor! Once again, thank you so much for all your hard work on this fantastic website!
I have a suggestion. I don �t know if it �s feasible or not but here it goes anyway. When we download someone �s work, could there be some buttons for us to click so that the person who uploaded the worksheet/powerpoint could know who downloaded and their opinion? Kind of like Facebook. Example:
Button 1: Love it! Button 2: Masterpiece! Button 3: Good!
Of course that we would still have the chance to comment on that person �s work if we wanted to but at least we could give our opinion in a very easy and fast way, specially when we are in a hurry. And there couldn �t be any excuses then.
Think about it!!! Until then, keep up the good work!
Vera |
12 Sep 2010
Vera, I LOVED your great idea!!!
Hope Victor thinks about it, coz it would help us a lot, espeacilly, as you said, when we are in a hurry... |
12 Sep 2010
Love the idea but I still like adding a thank you as it then tells me if I have downloaded it or not.
Perhaps we could click on the button after we use it! |
12 Sep 2010
What would be the difference between Masterpiece and Love it? The idea is good, but the buttons need to be better thought out.
12 Sep 2010
I �m not supportive of the idea, because you �re judging a person �s work on appearances BEFORE you �ve even used it. We all know that (generally) the most colorful worksheets get downloaded the most as compared to those that aren �t as colorful. (BTW, some of the more colorful worksheets that I �ve downloaded have also been the ones with the most errors.) The proposed buttons just seems like a lazy way of saying "thanks" to someone for uploading a worksheet. |
12 Sep 2010
AArh, come one, standarized responses for such diverse works?
As Philip said, the buttons would have to be thought out better and in my opinion a lot more diverse, ranging from �I like the pictures � to �how clear the explanation is �, �how original the idea � etc. The time it would take to read all the possible responses and choose the approriate one would be more than just writing a real response. I agree with hieu ngoc in this sense. Let �s not be lazy, the time it takes us to say thanks is nothing compared to the time it took the creator of the sheet to make it!! Just common decency, someone offers you something, the least we can do is say thanks.
and for those in such a bad hurry, you can set your computer to remember previously typed responses so it is enough to type the letter �t � and the word �thanks � will pop up!
(or "too bad the font is so small � or �terrific � or �thank you very much � or �this is brilliant � or �this is just what I needed � --- you get the point, custom made and personal, but readily available responses to choose and click on.......
12 Sep 2010
You �ve all made good points for and against.
I would like the idea of some simplified button options simply to avoid having a ws dowloaded 67 times with only two comments. Not that there need be comments but at least the creator has an idea whether it was worthwhile uploading or not. |
12 Sep 2010
I don �t think that a button would solve the problem. If people want to let a thank you , they will, as they have always done. Saying that they are busy is an excuse. If they don �t want to let a thank you, they wont press the button. |
12 Sep 2010
I don �t see the point really. All three buttons convey to the author of the worksheet that the downloader likes the worksheet to a certain degree - the only difference being the degree.
I don �t need to know whether someone loved my ws or simply found it good. I know tastes are extremely different and some will like or maybe even love my worksheets (few, as they are far from being ESL mainstream), and many will be less interested.
And, as somebody said before, you only know how good a worksheet is after having had a good look at it or even tried it out in class. All is not gold that glitters - very sober insight in life and in ESL material. The only button I could favour would be "looks good" (meaning at first sight) - but by downloading something I express as much! So it wouldn �t be really necessary
12 Sep 2010
I think the "leave a comment" option is much better than any buttons. Thanks for your great work, Victor!
12 Sep 2010
I think there is no need to change comments with buttons .Button cannot express our thoughts .Hugs |
12 Sep 2010
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