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Following Friends
Following Friends
Hi there all. While I am relatively new to the site, since I joined I have become very enthusiastic about it and tried to contribute as much as I can to the forums and through my meager worksheets. Being a bit of a newbie, I do feel a bit shy about making this suggestion but here goes:
I have thought that it would be great if we could see who has uploaded a WS maybe as part of the description given on the Recently Uploaded Page. I know that sometimes the preview does not do a WS justice and we may sometimes have only a little time to peruse the listings making a thorough examination of all WS impractical or just too time-consuming.
It would be really nice to click on a user �s name whose work you are a fan of and want to follow so that when you peruse the listings you can quickly see if a user you follow has uploaded something today because their WS would be highlighted or colored obviously in some way.
I guess the primary objection to this would be that it would cause lesser known users to get less attention, but I think the opposite. I think it would make the process faster and allow us more time to discover others � work.
What do you think, all? I don �t know if it is a difficult thing to do (I �m no computer buff) or if the admins will think it a worthwhile suggestion or not, but I thought I �d throw it out there!
12 Sep 2010
Everybody should feel safe enough to make suggestions, no matter how old or new they are to the site. In fact, new blood helps to open up new perspecives.....
12 Sep 2010
manonski (f)
You can make a search by user and check "recent contributions". This can help you follow a specific member. |
12 Sep 2010
I know about the search function but it doesn �t customize my view of the recent uploads page which is more like what I �m thinking of. I want to be able to easily see if anyone I want to follow has recently uploaded anything by just scrolling quickly through the recent uploads.
13 Sep 2010