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ice-beraking activities for 9-year-olds?
ice-beraking activities for 9-year-olds?
Hi to you all great fellow-teachers!
I �m starting the school year tomorrow and I really need your help. I �m having classes with 9-year-olds (very smart and easily-bored kids ) Have you got any ideas how could I make the class more interesting - any games, activities?
Since it is our first class this year we will do some speaking and get acquanted with the book... So, the activity doesn �t have to be related to grammar or anything like that. It just has to engage them .
Thanx in advance.
Many kisses and hugs from rainy Sarajevo.
14 Sep 2010
Hi, Snje�ana!
Have you ever tried playing hot seat with them? Or associations? I love playing those games. My sts also love playing something similar to what we play with Frank here every day, called Word of the Day. I call it Geniuses (after the TV show) - I divide them in two teams, I put a really difficult word on the board and they are allowed questions such as Is it something connected to food? Is it a noun? etc. if I answer yes, they can ask again, if no, the other group gets to ask question. That �s just hillarious! |
14 Sep 2010
Thank you, Anita you �ve helped me a lot!!! Best regards! Snjezana |
15 Sep 2010
To keep children from getting bored, no matter what the situation, I follow two ideas.
First, I always fire questions at the students. This wakes them up and keeps them alert. aND i mean open ended questions where there there is no right or wrong answer and every answer contributes to class discussion.
Also, I change the activity in class every 10 minutes. Even for adults. This can be as easy as getting students to stand up and have a stretch, or stopping worksheets to do them verbally as a group.
As for an ice-breaker game: for your 9 year olds I suggest �Charades � with vocabulary related to the book. Students act out words from the book and the others have to guess what they are doing.
Every lesson related to a book should have a �pre-task � with something fun to get kids thinking about the topic of the book. |
15 Sep 2010
Hello Snjezana, Have you heard of a "palm game"? It �s a vocabulary game. Have your students come up to you and form a semicircle, stretch your arm with your palm up, ask your students to put their index fingers on your palm and give them instructions to pull their fingers off your palm as soon as they hear a word from the wrong category, while you will have to snatch the fingers of those who were too slow, if you manage to catch some fingers, then those students are out, others continue to play. You can start like this: Our category is "fruit": apple, pear, banana, plum, grapes, bread (SNATCH THEM!) My students loved it.Have a nice day? night? Sophia |
15 Sep 2010
Palm Game sounds like fun. Forces them to listen and speak and have fun doing it! |
15 Sep 2010