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Ask for help > I need an expression
I need an expression
I need an expression
hi!!! I �m teaching a group of adults, and as they are very funny, responsible and great people, I finish my classes with a slang (something silly just to have fun) related to what you have been studying.
Today I �m explaining the causative. this morning I had some free time, and I had my hair cut..... The problem is that the hairdresser cut it toooooooooooooo short!! so, my question is, Is there any informal expression to say that the hairdresser cut my hair and now I �m almost bald????????????
16 Sep 2010
The barber/ hairdresser scalped me
to scalp �verb (used with object)
to cut or tear the scalp (upper part of head including hair) from someones head. |
16 Sep 2010
Hi Yams
you could say; "I had a charity hair cut-donated my hair to the needy."
If they ask who the needy are you can always say, "The hairdresser and his wife."
One we used a lot as kids was "I fell alseep in the garden while dad was mowing the lawn." |
16 Sep 2010
"I fell alseep in the garden while dad was mowing the lawn." nice : ) |
16 Sep 2010
thank you!!!!!! there are some quite similar expressions in Spanish, but I wasn �t sure, they sounded like Spanglish when I translated them!
thank you sooooo much again!!!!
16 Sep 2010